
2024 Analysed

Another 365 days done and I did a few things, failed at a few other things, figuring out some things and happy about some things.

The biggest change was probably my day job this year, I moved from Fountane to NearForm which changed a few things, I now have more time during the day to work on OSS and it's a little less hectic due to time discipline imposed by the company.

I got married, so I need to dedicate some time there and that's been going well, which is nice.

In terms of development and OSS, I was able to launch Ping and was able to keep running for the folks that like and use it. Hopefully am able to keep it running forever.

Made an attempt to join the $1 a month club to see if I was making things worth financial value, which hasn't made any progress so, probably not.

Got back into writing random things like resume-lang to figure out why such things don't already exist and understood the larger problem writing something like this brings a.k.a, my experiments first brain still works and that's really good.

Finally realised that I've made too many things and it's impossible for me to manage everything and would be easier to sunset them or look for contributors for a few of them.

Sat down and wrote esbuild plugins to create a nextjs like processing for my simple use cases, like in cri which make it impossible to deploy on vercel but I should be able to move it to one of my tiny servers soon since the site doesn't have a lot of visitors.

That's mostly everything that I've done / changed / handled this year and I hope I could do more and do better.

That's all for now, Adios!