
The crash

I don't know how long the site's have been down since I haven't had the chance to work on any of my public projects.

If you are someone who uses any of the following for your use case or for learning and it was down, I apologize for the downtime and they are now back up.

For anyone else that'd like to know what happened to them, the short answer is Nothing.

The longer one is, the in-memory pm2 process restarted during an on going maintenance phase at digital ocean and due to a version mismatch because of the various node versions that the server has there was a restoration conflict and pm2 couldn't do anything to restore the processes.

This is now fixed with a system level node install with a system level pm2 install, though there's 2 node based apps on that server and both would need a little maintenance update to avoid something like this from happening again.

All in all, my bad for not being able to keep up with my own speed of creating and launching projects and apologies for that.